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From Tragedy to Transformation: Reforming Criminal Justice, Policy, and the Mental Health System

July 15, 2022
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A large share of those with mental illnesses and substance use disorders get caught up in the criminal justice system often with tragic results.

There are better ways, including the implementation of diversion programs that create partnerships between mental health, social service providers, and the criminal justice system.

Diversion programs are initiatives in which persons with mental health conditions who are involved with the criminal justice system are redirected from traditional criminal justice pathways to mental health and substance use treatment systems and supports. These programs are often cost-effective and transform the lives of those they touch.  

This virtual event explored how the justice system and mental health and social supports can work together to identify more equitable paths to recovery and reentry into society. To inform this discussion, please view The Definition of Insanity – a documentary that explores an innovative model in Miami-Dade County, Florida for solving the mental health crisis in the criminal justice system.

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